Spotlight is a new Aktuálně.cz’s show led by two female presenters following significant and inspiring people, events and social phenomena. We developed a creative concept, spot-on jingles
and promo animations and covered shooting from art direction
to production.
It grants a variety of compositions with a color background practical for the accompanying text. We developed the theme and morphology of the Spotlight logo visually – notably, a luminous spot or mask moves through the space, revealing it. This space is not dark but rather is bathed in blue light, matching the tonality of Aktuálně’s visual branding. The presenter refrains from the typical gestures of the genre, such as walking and turning in the space. Video portrait’s dynamics is instigated by the movement of the light and shifting depth of field.
The light thus restores the natural color of the video portrait – close up, it divides the portrait in half. In distant shots, we perceive light verticals evoking the details of the Spotlight typography. The light seamlessly transitions into the Spotlight logo jingle in several versions, e.g. the presenter’s name or domain. The result are two video portraits created for each presenter – and a combined promo from the edited footage.