Signal 2016

Navigating interactive identity

Our continuing partnership with Signal, the festival of lights in Prague, provides an amazing opportunity to explore and cultivate its visual identity. We like to say, “cool festivals should dare to make cool things”. So, that’s exactly what we concocted for Signal 2016 – an interactive game as the core of its visual identity. The graphical inspiration originated from the visual marks of ‘signals’. We altered the basic shapes and colors of orientation flags and signals used for navy and transport.

We developed a customized web application that worked with predefined vectors and animated their permutation. The app also included an interactive painting tool, offering endless possibilities for users’ creativity. Just as we were able to propagate the graphic design throughout the festival’s media outputs, the attendees were also able to have fun with the festival’s identity. How exactly? The users could design their personalized signals and send them out via social networks or print them as posters and t-shirts.

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Try our Signal Painter now.


Signal Festival
Marek Cimbálník
Jan Netušil
Jan Netušil
David Marvan
Jiří Netušil
Jan Čechtický